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تعداد مشاهده:

The Law of Tug and Tow and Offshore Contracts

دسته بندی:

شابک: ۹۷۸۱۱۳۸۵۵۸۴۴۱

سال چاپ:۲۰۱۸

کد کتاب:980
۹۶۰ صفحه - وزيري (گالينگور) - چاپ ۱

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Simon Rainey QC’s commentary on BIMCO’s offshore industry forms has grown considerably since the first edition when the number of forms was fewer. In parallel with BIMCO’s efforts to ensure that all major aspects of the ever varied offshore industry are covered by reliable and balanced standard form contracts, drafted with the involvement of the major stakeholders in the relevant sector, this book has kept pace with the new forms and it offers an authoritative and penetrating guide to BIMCO’s forms. While the author may not always endorse BIMCO’s efforts and while he subjects the drafting to careful scrutiny and analysis, he approaches matters recognising the challenges in drafting a uniform contract, tempering the need to preserve familiarity with the need to reflect changes required by legal and practical developments. This book has become effectively a ‘bible’ for all those in the industry using these forms, as well as their lawyers, and rightly so. It is a book which is certainly always very closely consulted by our drafting committees during BIMCO’s periodic revisions of the forms covered in it. BIMCO welcomes the publication of this revised edition: the detailed consideration of the forms by BIMCO in its own drafting work and then their subsequent analysis by Simon Rainey Q.C. based on his considerable legal experience and reputation in the sector can only serve, in tandem, to improve the standard and certainty of offshore contracting. That is to the benefit of all.