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تعداد مشاهده:

Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmstons law of contract

دسته بندی:

شابک: ۹۷۸۰۱۹۹۵۶۸۳۴۵

سال چاپ:۲۰۱۲

کد کتاب:804
۱۰۰۸ صفحه - وزيري (شوميز) - چاپ ۱

سفارش کتاب دریافت از طریق پست

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It is six years since the last edition of this work was published. This is the longest gap in the history of the book and was due principally to the demands of a return to full-time teaching and administration. Those concerned at Oxford University Press have been patient and encouraging. The flow of new material has, if anything, increased. There have been particularly important decisions of the House of Lords/Supreme Court in RTS Flexible Systems v Muller; Chartbrook v Persimmon; Office of Fair Trading v Abbey National; Stone and Rolls v Moore Stephens; The Golden Victory; and The Achilleas and of the Privy Council in Macleod v Macleod. There have of course been many other interesting cases. For me a major event since the last edition has been the death of Brian Simpson before he was able to review Chapter 1. Brian and I were colleagues at Oxford long ago and indeed for several years we and our families shared the same house. He will be greatly missed. Professor David Ibbetson has kindly reviewed the text of this chapter. Professor Brenda Sufrin has continued to devote her expertise in competition law to the revision of what is now virtually the whole of Chapter 10 with the greatly reduced discussion of wagering contracts.