The present book builds upon my Ph.D dissertation ‘The interrelationship
between EU law and private international law in contractual obligations:
Private autonomy, overriding mandatory provisions and a
European justice area’ defended at the European University Institute on
17 January 2011. I’m heavily indebted to the members of my jury,
Marie-Ange Moreau, Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz, Gerard-René de Groot
and Jean-Michel Jacquet for their valuable comments. I’m particularly
grateful to my supervisor, Marie-Ange Moreau, who patiently listened
to my thoughts and provided invaluable support in helping to structure
my ideas. A special word of thanks goes to Gerard-René de Groot who
was always willing to provide me with his advice, not only relating to
my research, but as well about the pursuit of my wider academic career.
My research has benefitted immensely from the discussions in
the Working Group on Private International Law at the European
University Institute. Many thanks go to Claire Staath, Sara Migliorini
and Benedict Wray for the stimulating discussions in and outside the
classrooms on the future orientation of Private International Law.
A special word of thanks goes to Guilherme Vasconcelos Vilaça. The
fruits of our exchanges of ideas on law and legal theory at the kitchen
table of our apartment in Florence can be found throughout this book.
Last, but certainly not least, many thanks for the support of my family
and friends in the Netherlands. During my years in Florence I have
developed profound new friendships. Since the writing of a thesis can
be at times a very lonely experience, the warmth and encouragement
provided by family and friends has been indispensable.
The manuscript was submitted for publication on 15 March 2011.
Any subsequent new developments have not been incorporated in the