This book could not have been written without the guidance and support I
have received from many people over the years. First and foremost, special
thanks are due to Professor Andrew McGee for his continuing support, which
began during my time in Manchester. Professor Andrew Keay and Mr Gary
Lynch-Wood both provided their helpful suggestions on an early draft of this
book. Professor Baris Soyer encouraged me to take on this project and enthusiastically
backed it throughout. Professor Andrew Tettenborn has read the
chapters several times with great patience and provided me invaluable guidance,
as detailed and helpful as one could ever hope for. Professor John
Linarelli, Head of Swansea Law School, Dean Professor Yao Jianzong and
Deputy Dean Professor Li Jianhua of Jilin Law School have offered me
immense support and inspiration both at work and on the project, for which
I am hugely indebted. Dr. Jingchen Zhao has been a great friend and
provided me with many insightful ideas.
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to my family, and all my
friends and colleagues. Special thanks are also due to my publisher Routledge
(especially Mr Mark Sapwell), and for all of the reviewers for their helpful
comments and suggestions.