This book was written by spending time with many people and landscapes.
I am particularly grateful to the activists who shared their experiences
and stories. Their humility, generosity and commitment continue
to inspire me. I hope this book will repay their trust.
Rob White encouraged me to set out on this journey. I am very grateful
for his guidance, patience and teaching. Rob’s comments on the
drafts were insightful and instructive, and this book would not have
been written without him. John Cameron helped shape my research
approach through many conversations and bushwalks. Especially
memorable is a three-day walk on the Freycinet peninsula, immersed in
conversation about landscape, identity and more-than-human agency,
punctuated by raucous groups of swift parrots chasing through the blue
gums, steep granite hill climbs that made conversation impossible, and
icy swims in crystalline seas. Thanks also to Di Heckenberg, Felicity
Picken and Doug Ezzy for their ideas and encouragement.
The Institute for the Study of Social Change at the University of
Tasmania provided a fellowship that supported me to complete the
final manuscript. I also owe thanks to the staff at Palgrave Macmillan,
especially Julia Willan, Dominic Walker and Richard Bouwman who
provided valuable advice.
Above all I would like to thank my parents Peter and Zelda for their
love and encouragement, and introducing me to the outdoors. My wife
Miriam and my daughters Freja, Indigo and Saffron animate my life.
This book, in so many ways, is driven by our shared love of adventure
and concern for wild nature.