Recognizing the intriguing nature of the changes underway in China, Imer B. Flores –
jointly with Profs. Ofer Raban and Gülriz Uygur – proposed to the organizers of the
XXIV IVR World Congress Global Harmony and the Rule of Law a Special
Workshop on “Law, Liberty and the Rule of Law”, not only because of the importance
and transcendence of the subject matter itself but also due to its (in)appropriateness
given the conference’s location and the fact that 2009 marked the 150th anniversary
of John Stuart Mill’s celebrated On Liberty and the 100th anniversary of Isaiah
Berlin’s birthday.
In that sense, this volume grew out of a Special Workshop at the XXIV IVR
World Congress Global Harmony and the Rule of Law in Beijing, China, in 2009,
which drew more attention than originally expected: on the one hand, several
scholars were interested and at the end 11 papers presented; and, on the other hand,
Mortimer Sellers approached to offer the possibility of publishing them in the
collection “Jus Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice”. However,
since Profs. Raban and Uygur had other previous commitments, Kenneth Einar
Himma stepped in as co-editor. Similarly, since some authors were not in a position
to submit their original papers for publication, as editors, we – Flores and
Himma – decided to invite other scholars to contribute to the volume. We are
indebted to the IVR for accepting the proposal and we are extremely grateful to all
those who participated in the workshop and contributed papers to this volume.