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The German Prosecution Service Guardians of the Law?

دسته بندی:

شابک: ۹۷۸۳۶۴۲۴۰۹۲۷۱

سال چاپ:۲۰۱۴

کد کتاب:387
۲۶۵ صفحه - وزيري (شوميز) - چاپ ۲

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        موبایل خود را وارد نمایید

When I left the practice of law after 9 years to begin my Ph.D. studies, I believed that I could make it through the process as the result of my own drive and determination. I was wrong. Without my indefatigable dissertation advisor, Kathryn Hendley, at the University of Wisconsin, I am confident that I would never have persevered to complete this project. The other members of my dissertation committee, Don Downs, Tamir Moustafa, Michael Smith, and Walter Dickey, read through early drafts of my original manuscript and provided crucial insights along the way. Howie Erlanger provided me an early home as a graduate fellow in the Institute for Legal Studies at the University of Wisconsin Law School. Pam Hollenhurst, the ILS Institute’s Associate Director, often made me feel at home in the law school— though my primary home was across the quad in the political science department. One cannot go to a foreign country and gain instant access to a wide network of prosecutors, judges, and defense attorneys without a network of individuals who believe in your work. During my first trip to Germany, Liane Wo¨rner at the Justus- Liebig-Universita¨t adopted me as a sister and scheduled a whirlwind initial research trip around Germany that only heightened my interest in the country’s legal system. Also, I cannot forget the early stewardship provided by Professor Dr. Walter Gropp, who also helped to guide my transition from graduate student to law professor. Matthias Wo¨rner and Martin Dege often helped me, not only with my German, but also with basic advice on the country not found in guidebooks. In Gie?en, I also thank Professors Richard Giesen, Bernd Hecker, Arthur Kreuzer, Thilo Marauhn, and Gabriele Wolflast, all of whom graciously shared their network of professional contacts with me. I am also grateful for the assistance provided by Professor Udo Ebert and Eberhard Siegismund of the German Federal Ministry of Justice. Many individuals opened their homes and offices to me as I travelled throughout Germany. Among those, I wish to thank Susanna Erb, Bernhardt Becker-Flugel, Kathi Fro¨hlich, Ursus Koerner, Michael Nagel, and Sabine Wolski.