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اطلاعات کتاب
قیمت کتاب چاپی:
۱۰ درصد
قیمت نهایی:
۱۱۳۴۰۰۰۰ ريال
تعداد مشاهده:

EU Electricity Trade Law

دسته بندی:

شابک: ۹۷۸۳۳۱۹۱۶۵۱۲۷

سال چاپ:۲۰۱۵

کد کتاب:306
۶۳۰ صفحه - وزيري (شوميز) - چاپ ۲

سفارش کتاب دریافت از طریق پست

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The target for the completion of the internal electricity market was 2014. The NWE region leads the way in market integration. The gradual emergence of an internal electricity market has changed the legal and commercial landscape for wholesale electricity market participants. The most important wholesale market participants are electricity producers. This book has four principal aims. The first is to describe the characteristic objectives of electricity producers in electricity wholesale markets. The second is to find out what legal tools and practices electricity producers can use to reach their characteristic objectives in the NWE region. Third, the book describes the regulation of the internal electricity market at EU level from the perspective of wholesale electricity producers. Fourth, this book contributes to theory-building in commercial law. Commercial law research—and legal science in general—can give an alternative view of markets if it focuses on the study of actual market behaviour through the lense of market participants’ legal tools and legal practices.