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۱۰ درصد
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۱۲۹۹۶۰۰۰ ريال
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Educational Psychology

دسته بندی:

شابک: ۹۷۸۱۲۹۲۰۹۵۳۰۱

سال چاپ:۲۰۱۶

کد کتاب:10045
۷۲۲ صفحه - رحلي (گالينگور) - چاپ ۱

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Many of you reading this book are enrolled in an educational psychology course as part of your professional preparation for teaching, counseling, speech therapy, nursing, or psychology. The material in this text should be of interest to everyone who is concerned about education and learning, from the nursery school volunteer to the instructor in a community program for adults with disabilities. No background in psychology or education is necessary to understand this material. It is as free of jargon and technical language as possible, and many people have worked to make this edition clear, relevant, and interesting. Since the first edition of Educational Psychology appeared, there have been many exciting developments in the field. The thirteenth edition continues to emphasize the educational implications and applications of research on child development, cognitive science, learning, motivation, teaching, and assessment. Theory and practice are not separated in the text, but are considered together. The book is written to show how information and ideas drawn from research in educational psychology can be applied to solve the everyday problems of teaching. To help you explore the connections between research and practice, you will find in these pages a wealth of examples, lesson segments, case studies, guidelines, and even practical tips from experienced teachers. As you read this book, I believe you will see the immense value and usefulness of educational psychology. The field offers unique and crucial knowledge to any who dare to teach and to all who love to learn.