Since it was founded in 1920, the Tavistock Clinic—now the Tavistock
and Portman NHS Foundation Trust—has developed a
wide range of developmental approaches to mental health which
have been strongly influenced by the ideas of psychoanalysis. It has
also adopted systemic family therapy as a theoretical model and a clinical
approach to family problems. The Tavistock is now one of the largest
mental health training institutions in Britain. It teaches up to 600
students a year on postgraduate, doctoral, and qualifying courses in
social work, systemic psychotherapy, psychology, psychiatry, nursing,
and child, adolescent, and adult psychotherapy, along with 2,000 multidisciplinary
clinicians, social workers, and teachers attending Continuing
Professional Development courses and conferences on
psychoanalytic observation, psychoanalytic thinking, and management
and leadership in a range of clinical and community settings.