Serendipitous discoveries in psychopharmacology have been important in advancing
psychiatric science, but have had only partial success in reducing the burden of disease
associated with mental disorders. Current advances in neuroscience and neurogenetics
hold great promise for improving our understanding of these conditions and for advancing
treatment outcomes. However, with this promise comes important conceptual
and practical issues, which this volumes addresses.
A first question concerns how we ensure that the benefits of clinical neuroscience
have global impact? Global mental health has appropriately focused on addressing
the treatment gap across the world; advances in implementation science will be key in
ensuring this important goal is attained. There is also a need for diverse populations
from around the world to be included in clinical neuroscience research, in order to
ensure that the benefits of discovery science in fields such as neurogenetics reach all
communities. Priority settings exercises in mental health have correctly emphasized
the importance of both discovery and implementation science across the globe. These
are big, hard issues, but it is essential that they be raised.