This book is largely drawn from my Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Helsinki,
titled ‘Sovereignty as Responsibility at the International Criminal Court: The ‘Frontiers’
of International Judicial Intervention’, and it could not have come into being
without the generous support that I received from numerous sources. In the first
place, I wish to thank my Ph.D. supervisor, Heikki Patomäki. To Heikki I offer
my sincere appreciation for their continued guidance, encouragement, and critical
thinking, which helped drive my research forward and to greater depths. I would also
like to thank Anthony Lang, Barry Gills, Outi Korhonen, Jason Ralph, and Riikka
Kuusisto for their constructive criticism of earlier versions of this book. Furthermore,
I wish to acknowledge the precious advice and support provided by Martti
Koskenniemi, Christine Schwöbel-Patel, Wouter Werner, Tanja Aalberts, Ekaterina
Yahyaoui, William Schabas, Kevin Jon Heller, Peter Sutch, Timo Kivimäki, Tonny
Brems Knudsen, Teivo Teivainen, and Michael Zürn, among several other exceptional
scholars whom I have had the privilege of encountering along the journey
that has brought this book to life. My most sincere appreciation also goes to Antje
Wiener and the Springer editorial team, and, in particular, to Johannes Glaeser and
Judith Kripp. Among the numerous other contributions that made this book possible,
I would like to thank the organs of the ICC, along with all who generously took part
in the interviews undertaken for the purpose of the present work. I am also greatly
indebted to all my friends for the countless times they supported and encouraged
me; and I cannot express enough thanks to my family for their unconditional love
and appreciation, and to Matteo, as his love of wisdom and our sustained conversations
were of inestimable value in the preparation of the book. Finally, I extend my
heartfelt thanks to my colleagues of the ‘WISH MI—Wellbeing Integrated System
of Milan’ team of the City of Milan, who have provided me with a concrete avenue
for standing by those whose voices need to be better heard and for striving together
for a more equal society.