Massive thanks are due to everyone who has helped me get this book
from the initial ideas to the final draft and the written page. I would like
to firstly thank Lydia De Cruz, Commissioning Editor, for supporting
me from the concept stage to the short Routledge book fruition, and
for taking a risk with me. Many thanks also to Arunima Aditya for
keeping me on track and answering all my questions. Special thanks
to Dr Wendy Laverick and Bee Rowlatt as well as Jess and Jack for
reading and commenting on the early proposals and providing me and
the publisher with feedback. Special thanks to Dr Alison Jarvis for the
help you gave me with the tables in Chapter 3. You are a star! Many
thanks to Bee Rowlatt and Dr Wendy Laverick for also reading the first
draft and feeling able to provide an endorsement of this work. I really
appreciate this.