This book prepares the mental health professional to use psychiatric skills when
looking for and collecting data in a forensic examination and then apply sound clinical
judgment in evaluating that data and presenting the information gathered through
a systematic examination.
Based on the experience accumulated in the forensic mental health field, and
using the studies conducted as well as the narrative reports prepared as a model, this
forensic psychiatric handbook can be read as a practical primer for those mental
health professionals (MHPs) interested in using psychiatric and psychological
understanding in the courtroom. This is a completely new “game” with its own rules
and methods.
We anticipate mental health professionals finding the concepts introduced in this
book immediately helpful for use in their practices. This book presents important
topics concerning human behavior and mental disorders, in a light and evocative
style that brings forth recollections of past and present medicolegal cases in which
mental aspects were or should have been prominent.
As you read the cases presented, you become comfortable with the standards of
psychiatric and psychotherapeutic practice. You now know what is expected from
the expert witness, and how to communicate with the attorney what is at stake, to
consider the legal criteria to adhere to, and how to present the basis of our