This book would not exist without the hundreds of people across the Colombian-
Ecuadorian and Colombian- Venezuelan borderlands, and in Bogotá, Caracas,
and Quito, who shared their time, knowledge, and experiences with me. I am
grateful to them, and especially to the families who welcomed me to their homes
and with whom I developed meaningful friendships over the years. Their hospitality
and generosity had no limits. They showed me what the social fabric of
borderlanders can look like.
There are four women I would like to thank in particular— they know that
I mean them. They accompanied me on different parts of my fieldwork journey.
Their strength, courage, and leadership do not cease to inspire me. I am confident
that with people like them— people who continue to make a difference in
their communities, despite the risks that this entails— there is hope for a better,
more secure tomorrow in the borderlands. It is my heartfelt desire that one day
I will be able to openly thank them and others by name for all they did, and all
they continue to do.