The series publishes both theoretical and empirical work along several themes in
Asian Criminology, with a focus on research-level monographs and edited volumes.
It aims to cover 4 main themes: the elaborations and adaptations of research models
and established theories (established mainly by Western scholarship) to Asian
contexts; an introduction of innovative concepts, theories and policies originating in
Asian societies to Western audiences; and in-depth studies of particular Asian
countries, as they reflect local traditions and cultures one hand, and a general
understanding of criminal behavior or criminal justice, on the other. It will feature
authors from any country of origin doing research about or pertaining to Asian
The series encourages submissions of both quantitative and qualitative research
approaches, as well as mixed methods and comparative approaches, with a focus on
studies using rigorous methods and presenting new research results. It will be of
interest to researchers in criminology and criminal justice, as well as related fields
such as sociology, demography and international studies.