The 2018 International Conference on Applications and Techniques in Cyber
Intelligence (ATCI), building on the previous successes in Ningbo, China (2017),
Guangzhou, China (2016), Dallas, USA (2015), Beijing, China (2014), and Sydney,
Australia (2013), is proud to be in the sixth consecutive conference year in
Shanghai. Previously, the event is known as the International Workshop on
Applications and Techniques in Cyber Security (ATCS 2016), held in conjunction
with the International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication
Networks (SecureComm). The purpose of ATCI 2018 is to provide a forum for
presentation and discussion of innovative theory, methodology, and applied ideas,
cutting-edge research results, and novel techniques, methods, and applications on
all aspects of cyber and electronics security and intelligence. The conference
establishes an international forum and aims to bring recent advances in the
ever-expanding cybersecurity area including its fundamentals, algorithmic developments,
and applications.
Each paper was reviewed by at least three independent experts, and the acceptance
rate was 35%. The conference would not have been a reality without the
contributions of the authors. We sincerely thank all the authors for their valuable
contributions. We would like to express our appreciation to all members of the
Program Committee for their valuable efforts in the review process that helped us to
guarantee the highest quality of the selected papers for the conference.