جمع سفارش:
اطلاعات کتاب
قیمت کتاب چاپی:
۱۰ درصد
قیمت نهایی:
۴۰۳۲۰۰۰ ريال
تعداد مشاهده:

Good Faith and International Economic Law

دسته بندی:

شابک: ۹۷۸۰۱۹۸۷۳۹۷۹۱

سال چاپ:۲۰۱۵

کد کتاب:1231
۲۲۴ صفحه - وزيري (شوميز) - چاپ ۱

سفارش کتاب دریافت از طریق پست

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This book was produced with generous support from the University of Melbourne and the National University of Singapore pursuant to an inaugural research partnership grant (2013?2014). Several of the chapters benefited from discussion at the Inaugural Symposium of the Global Economic Law Network held at the Melbourne School of Government on 2 May 2014 and the Symposium on Good Faith in International Law held at the Faculty of Law of the National University of Singapore on 3 October 2014, with funding from the Singapore Ministry of Education (Academic Research Fund Tier 1 GrantA€2014). The editors thank Alex Lee for his extensive editorial assistance in relation to numerous chapters. Valuable research assistance in the early stages was also provided by Elizabeth Sheargold pursuant to the Australian Research Council Discovery Project scheme (project ID DP130100838) and by Caroline Henckels. Finally, thanks go to Thijs de Jong for assistance in compiling the bibliography and to Jessica Casben and Irene Han for assistance at the final stages in proofreading and preparing the index and tables. The opinions expressed in each chapter of this volume are those of the relevant authors and are not necessarily shared by the editors or any employer or other entity. The content of the chapters was drafted and finalized between April and OctoberA€2014.