This splendid book performs the heroic task of introducing readers to
the large canvas of the commercial law of the European Union (EU). The
EU began as an economic community of six nations but has grown into
27 member states, sharing a significant political, social and legal cohesion
and serving almost 500 million citizens. It generates approximately 30%
of the nominal gross world product. The EU is a remarkable achievement
of trans-national co-operation, given the history (including recent history)
of national, racial, ethnic and religious hatred and conflict preceding its
Although, as the book recounts, the institutions of the EU grew directly
out of those of the European Economic Community, created in 1957 [1.20],
the genesis of the EU can be traced to the sufferings of the Second World
War and to the disclosure of the barbarous atrocities of the Holocaust.
Out of the chaos and ruins of historical enmities and the shattered cities
and peoples that survived those terrible events, arose an astonishing pan-
European Movement.