The Key Facts Key Cases Series is a pracA?tical and complete reviA?sion aid that
can be used by students of law courses at all levels from A Level to degree
and beyond, and in profesA?sional and vocaA?tional courses too.
The Key Facts Key Cases series is designed to give a clear view of each
subject. This will be useful to students when tackA?ling new topics and is
invaluA?able as a reviA?sion aid.
Most chapters open with an outline in diagram form of the points covered in
that chapter. The points are then developed in a strucA?tured list form to make
learnA?ing easier. Supporting cases are given throughA?out by name and for some
complex areas facts are given to reinA?force the point being made.
The Key Facts Key Cases series aims to accomA?modA?ate the syllabus content of
most qualA?iA?ficA?aA?tions in a subject area, using many visual learnA?ing aids.
Each title in the Key Facts Key Cases Series now incorA?porA?ates a Key Cases
section at the end of each chapter, which is designed to give a clear underA?
standA?ing of importA?ant cases. This is useful when studyA?ing a new topic and
invaluA?able as a reviA?sion aid. Each case is broken down into fact and law. In
addiA?tion, many cases are extenA?ded by the use of importA?ant extracts from the
judgA?ment or by comment or by highA?lightA?ing probA?lems. Cases marked in bold
in the key facts section signify that they have then been included with further
detail in the key cases checkA?list at the end of the chapter.
In some instances students are reminded that there is a link to other cases or
materA?ial. If the link case is in another part of the book, the referA?ence will be
clearly shown. Links will be to addiA?tional cases or materA?iA?als that do not
feature in the book.