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The Economic Contribution of Copyright- Based Industries in China

دسته بندی:


سال چاپ:۲۰۱۰

کد کتاب:1016
۳۹۶ صفحه - رحلي (شوميز) - چاپ ۲

سفارش کتاب دریافت از طریق پست

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In 2007, National Copyright Administration of the People’s Republic of China (NCAC) and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) decided to carry out the project: “Survey on The Economic Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries in China”. The primary purpose of the project was to find out the contribution rate of Chinese copyright industries to the national economy and to survey their basic conditions and developing trends, so as to raise public and political awareness of the issue and underline the great potential of the creative and information sector. The project aimed to provide beneficial experience and help for guiding and supporting the development of Chinese copyrightbased industries as well as to be a reference for related laws revisions and public policies setting. The project has been commissioned to the Chinese Institute of Publishing Science (CIPS), the direct subsidiary of NCAC. NCAC has given great importance to the project and convened a project leading group with the Director of NCAC Liu Binjie as the group supervisor, the Deputy Director Yan Xiaohong as deputy supervisor, the Head of the Copyright Administration Department Wang Ziqiang, Jiang Maoning from the Division of the International Office of the Copyright Administration Department and some others as members of the leading group. They have put forward many directional and instructional suggestions for the project which guarantees its complete success. Meanwhile, WIPO have provided financial assistance and technical instructions as well. The Deputies Secretary-General of WIPO Michael Keplinger and Narendra Sabharwal, the Assistant Secretary- General of WIPO Binying Wang, the Executive Director of OSUIPD Sherif Saadallah and the Acting Head of the Creative Industry Department Dimiter Gantchev were in charge of the implementation of the project. The President of Economists Incorporated Stephen Siwek and the economist from Singapore IP Academy Chow Kit Boey were invited by WIPO as technical consultants. During the implementation of the project, Dimiter Gantchev, Stephen Siwek and Chow Kit Boey visited China several times. They had put forward many constructive technical ideas and had offered a lot of precious reference materials. The entire project working group have benefited a great deal from their guidance.